Old Desires/A Stranger's Kiss by Liz Fielding Book

Free Download Old Desires/A Stranger's Kiss Book And Novel

by Liz Fielding

Old Desires: "And you have the pleasure of sleeping in my four-poster bed."
"Your bed?" The image of his dark head against the lace-edge pillow brought a slow burn to Holly's cheeks.
"Does that bother you?" Joshua asked.
"No," she said, quickly. "Why should it?"
"No reason. But I would have thought an enquiry as to whether I was still using it before you answered was advisable. Or maybe you're not that fussy."

Joshua Kent infuriated Holly - he was cavalier, overbearing and convinced she was a good-for-nothing gold-digger. Far worse was his bombshell that her past was a complete fabrication.

A new identity - and the inheritance which went with it -meant that Holly could embark on a new life. But where did Joshua fit into the scheme of things - was he just using the desire which flared between them to manipulate her? Only time would tell...

A Stranger's Kiss: Desperate to escape the unwanted attentions of a man following her home from work, Tara Lambert throws herself into the arms of a stranger.

It’s an “out of the frying pan” moment which only gets worse when, the following morning, she encounters Adam Blackmore for the second time.

She’s on a mission to promote her ailing secretarial agency at a glossy new office block. His new company headquarters. He’s convinced her “damsel in distress” act was a set up and it takes all her skill to convince him that she’s exactly what she says she is. All her character to resist the temptation to fall into the trap he’s laid – vital when she discovers that his previous secretary is expecting his child. Then they go on a business trip to Bahrain and everything begins to unravel.

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